Chappell Roan's whole album is full of bangers and I can't wait to see what else she does.

I didn't watch this because I have no obligation to write about it, and am over the age of 15, but I feel like MTV itself isn't really relevant anymore, unless you want to watch former Teen Moms or 40 year olds vacation at the Jersey Shore together and act like 12 year olds. (I hated both of those shows when they first aired, and am stubborn and refuse to change my mind about them. I am a reality TV curmudgeon.)

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All of the things you said, except u haven’t heard Chappell Roan’s album. That’s how much of a curmudgeon I am. (I will definitely give it a listen, it just might not be my style of music based on that cheerleader-y song, which is fun and super catchy but not really for me).

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Give it a listen! So many bops.

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And the lyrics are just flat out perfection. There's substance underneath the overly poppy music. Sometimes it's devastating like in "Good Luck, Babe" and other times it's cheeky like in "Red Wine Supernova."

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I know. I know Good luck, babe is everywhere right now, but that bridge - man - one of the best bridges in pop music. Gets me every time. And "Pink Pony Club" - my goodness. Heartbreaking but such a hook. The pre-chorus and chorus are total earworms!

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12

The absolute viciousness of the final verse to "Casual" is deeply cathartic for me.

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12

I burst out laughing every. single. time. at the "...magic/I got a wand and a rabbit" line in "Good Luck Babe." Her inflection and peppiness on that line are irresistible. EDIT: that line is from Red Wine Supernova and I have nothing to blame but my own ridiculous brain for that mistake.

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That line is from "Red Wine Supernova" and I also love it.

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Oh for gods sake, ugh. Thx for the correction! Too late for me to edit my post, I think.

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Chappell Roan is so, so good. I feel like her music has a lot going on, and depending on whether you catch a particularly poppy song, or notice the drag visuals, or pay attention to the lyrics, you get a totally different impression of who she is as an artist, which I find fascinating.

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to paraphrase Larry David, NO I DON’T WATCH [the VMAs]. I’M AN ADULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks to H and J for doing it so I can catch up on it in bed with my coffee

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I don't know if it counts as a televised performance, but Chappell has performed on talk shows - Tonight Show and the Late Show...

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not KP's biggest fan right now, but loved the period comment. normalize talking about periods!

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Re Chappell Roan - I enjoyed the performance but I do wish she'd done a medley, like Sabrina and a few of the others. Good luck, babe is great, but everything I've heard from her is also great and I think she could have showcased more. I got a little tired of the knights etc. by the end of her performance, and I also think Chappell, who clearly wasn't lip syncing, was pretty tired herself. My kids were so excited about the fire, thinking she'd transition into H-O-T-T-O-G-O. Alas.

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At halftime at a recent Washington Spirit match, HOTTOGO was playing in the stadium, and when my goddaughter and I started doing the dance in our seats (we didn't discuss it in advance, we just started doing it), my husband looked at me like I was crazy. He's like "wait, how do YOU know this?" I just laughed and told him to get with the program.

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I laughed out loud when KP said she was on the first day of her period. Yeah, talking about it might be cringy for some, but I've fallen headlong into the "time for it to stop being cringy and hidden away 'cuz it's just biology class and women need to share our notes" camp so - way to step up, Katy.

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Yes, I don't mean to say she should have any shame around it, or anything. I think I was reacting to the fact that the audience really didn't seem to know what to do with it, and it tapped into my own PERSONAL fear of being onstage in front of a group of people and having them seem weirded out by me. -H

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I am entertained that Katy’s media manager seems to have a list of items gathered from an of-the-moment social media playbook for the youngs and she is RUTHLESSLY checking every single one off on the album promo trail - 1. Say something outrageous on Call Her Daddy, 2. Walk in and out of buildings in highly styled and/or naked outfits, 3. Talk about your period… It feels like a dramatic rap beef might be next? Or she will cosplay Chappel Roan? Or drop Orlando and start dating an NFL player?

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I didn't watch, because I'm old, but I texted my son about Chappell's performance and win, and he later shared about it on his Instagram stories, so I am patting myself on the back for being Culturally Relevant to the Youth! (I did catch a clip of her performance and it was bonkers fun!)

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that's a W, mom. well done

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Chappell's music is very much not for me. I DJ'd an event recently and the host basically wanted ALL Chappell Roan - to me it sounds like generic pop, but I'm not a radio pop fan, anyway. That said, I do love that Petco commercial of cats strutting to Hot to Go while in their little costumes.

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I love her, admittedly, but her songs are absolutely much more than generic pop. The main songs getting radio play tend that way, but she has some beautiful, heart-wrenching songs too, like Kaleidoscope. She is also giving voice to queer love and queer relationships when queer people are still very much under-presented in the current musical landscape. It's okay not to like her music, but it's the opposite of generic.

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That's good! Yeah, I've only heard her big hits like Femininomenon, which I personally find cringey and reminds me of this generation's Rebel Girl, a song I also hated. But to each their own, and I know tons of people who absolutely love her. And, of course, it's always great to see a queer artist represented in the mainstream. I'm in Seattle, where we've been spoiled for choice for years, and I personally find a lot of queer local artists here doing stuff I find more interesting, but like I said, mainstream pop's not really my jam, anyway.

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I didn't even know Femininomenon was considered a hit! I love "Good Luck Babe" and several of the others, but that one's not one of my faves.

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Oh, I just assumed, because it was one that the host of this party requested and all of her friends were super crazy about it. I haven't heard Good Luck, Babe.

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I truly have NO idea. I'm late to the party as well. It's low on my list because it rhymes the word with "Papa John's" and while that is funny I also hate that guy. But I also don't listen to the radio so I've just been streaming on Apple Music, so I don't know what the ones are everyone loves other than "HOT TO GO" because they play it everywhere now. And Pink Pony Club. Honestly, the Peloton "Chappell Roan" classes were fairly helpful. -H

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Oh, yep, those were the other two songs the host requested. I will say, Chappell played a block party in my neighborhood this summer, and I happened to be out walking around when she was playing Hot to Go. I had that song stuck in my head all freaking week after. So it's not my jam, but definitely an earworm!

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I'm with you. I'm not the audience, so it's fine, but to me her stuff sounds like Katy Perry circa 2010 or so. It's catchy and boppy but not anything special.

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Are we sure the blue alien wasn't Barry in disguise? Also Katy Perry is actually Kate Hudson? So confuse.

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Here is how I stay up on current performers. My car radio stations are mostly NPR and sports radio but I also have a soul station and Virgin Radio station. If the talk gets dull, I surf to them. Virgin Radio.is Top 40 with a little alt music mixed in. I couldn’t listen to it all day because they keep some songs in heavy rotation (right now, Espresso and Too Sweet) but it keeps me from being totally clueless.

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I don't engage with the VMAs at all, but I follow a ton of drag queens on Instagram, and wow, there were a LOT of them in attendance! The great Sasha Colby shared a clip of herself introducing Chappell Roan as her "daughter"! Anyway, I suspect this is some kind of corporate synergy at work because "RuPaul's Drag Race" airs on MTV, but seeing them post captions about how this was the greatest night in their lives (which seemed entirely sincere!) made me smile.

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Wow, thank you for the recognition of smaller races! In Wisconsin, we have twice elected a Democrat for Governor in the Trump era, at about as close to 50-50 as you can get, but our state assemble is 64 republicans/34 democrats and state senate 22 republicans/10 democrats - because of, you guessed it, gerrymandering. Our beloved (by 50% of us) Governor Tony Evers signed new maps into law and it will take a couple election cycles, but we should be able to get much closer to the state legislature being 50-50 of each party.

Because I opened a small gift boutique a year ago, I am cash strapped for donations but I do donate inventory for silent auction items to support our local candidate for assembly Ann Roe. Roe! So I also carry ProRoe stickers 😀

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I wouldn’t have made it 5 seconds IN THE AUDIENCE when she came out with that snake. I would have been the new definition of Gone Girl.

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