Brilliant recap of a very chaotic Oscars! I would definitely add a “Worst Streaming Experience By a Platform that Should Really Be Better at This By Now” award for Hulu, which clearly had not anticipated all the traffic the Oscars would generate AND cut a bunch of users off right after Adrien Brody’s garbage-ass speech.

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But Hulu is under the Disney umbrella so they should know better how to deal with traffic.

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my understanding is that it wasn't traffic, it was just poor planning. They only had it for what the run time was SUPPOSED to be, but that's such a rookie mistake. Someone is getting fired this morning.

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Which is not good; I was happy to use my TV app and watch without being on my WiFi, especially as I drove home at like 645-the end pst.

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Which is dumb. When I used to DVR the Oscars I always set the end time to an hour after the announced end time because they always run long

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100%. Someone's getting fired over at Hulu

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I had difficulty logging into both the TV app and the web browser, which I don't think had anything to do with the run time. r/Hulu was awash in threads about people being unable to log in as the show was starting. For that to happen AND for the stream to cut off before the show ended? Amateur hour.

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The SNL 50th concert ran over with no issue on Peacock a few weeks ago.

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I think the trick is not to watch live, I was a few minutes late as I paused at some point and it didn’t cut out.

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That's a great hack if it works. Also, I love pausing b/c then (depending on platform) you can sometimes skip through commercials, or at least boring parts (looking at you, Adrian)

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I would say we needed to watch that Doctor Odyssey episode they plugged but there’s no way all of us can with timezones. What about some March Madness games?

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That would have been amazing, but I agree on the time zone difficulty.

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Like I can’t get an east coast feed of most stations so I know we’d have spoilers all over the hour folks watched in each set.

That’s why I settled on sports because they can’t (unless we talk Olympics) tape delay on broadcast TV.

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As soon as I saw the promo, I immediately thought how amazing the recap is going to be here!

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As I said in the chat, when you use “life could be a dream” you know something is about to go down.

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I am trying to figure out how a shark would have access to the wires.

But I’m sure that will be explained 😂

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Was just reminded that world figuring skating championships are coming up, so could be a fun live chat and warm up for next year’s Winter Olympics. And they are in Boston, so should be at a time that works for a lot people.

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Ooh I do like skating and I think sports are the easiest to make work unless we go with an HBO show or the like.

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Great fun with y’all last night! I’ll admit I was one of the ones who got ranty in the Brody speech (drinks kicking in and on the east coast, I was ready for bed), but no regrets his monologue was nonsense.

I loved Conan, would be happy to have him host again. I hated the lack of clips and thought they could have cut the Bond and Quincy Jones numbers.

Excited to look at fashion all day, hopefully I don’t have anything too important at work as I’m tired.

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When I started ranting at home about "entitled white men" two minutes into his indulgent ramble, I had no idea he would amp it up for another five and be so douchey about it. Silly me.

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Seriously! His speech didn't even make sense. He just went on and on. With shots of his girlfriend that nobody really cares about.

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I thought it both lovely and funny his girlfriend/wife mouthed "your mom" to him. But hated his speech. I think he was the classic case of brain overwhelmed by joy, confounding his thoughts with epiphanies, thinking the world needed profound wisdoms in his speech - we don't. It's ok just to thank your team and family. He was actually the case that "walk off! music was invented for and they should have been strict about it.

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I'm in Al-Anon and the Entitled White Men Who Drone On Endlessly contingent are a small but vocal group of grateful members, lol. One time a guy showed up seemingly drunk and droned on for like 20 minutes straight. At one point he was drawing on a piece of paper and had us pass it around. Anyway, he's who I thought of during Adrien's speech, lol. (Also, did anyone else see him THROW HIS CHEWING GUM at Georgina?! And she caught it?! What on earth.)

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Yeah the gum was super gross

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I wanted Lithgow to get up and do some Master Thespian shit in the middle of Brody's monologue. That would have made it all worth the time it took out of my life.

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I can't remember which Broad said it in the chat, but I'm still chuckling over "Why has no one tackled him yet?" Him being Adrien Brody.

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I rolled my eyes so hard, I’m surprised they’re still in my head, when he said “I’ve done this before” as if that is a valid reason he was allowed to cut the music and keep talking. Wish any of the other four won. I wasn’t a fan of his before, that speech didn’t do him any favors.

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It smacked of "See, I have two Oscars, please keep hiring me." It was so insufferable.

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In twenty-odd years, he'll play yet another holocaust survivor artist, probably a painter, and maybe the voters will remember this speech and not reward him for it.

(he is apparently the only male actor to win for playing a Holocaust survivor, which is sort of odd)

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That is odd.

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It was “acting is a fragile profession” for me.

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The way he said it was sooooo obnoxious. Like, we all hated what you did last time, bro, and you’re not making it better now.

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He seems like a highly annoying person. That said, I do think he is a much better actor than Chalamet.

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For fun, I read Alex E Jung’s interview with him in Vulture and that whole piece is like his Oscar speech x1000! He’s insufferable in print too.

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As long as he is in our collective timelines, I will follow your lead and refer to Ethan Slater as Spongebob because that will never not be hilarious (to me.) I'm also imagining a séance situation with Demi, Glenn and the ghost of Lauren Bacall where they load up on Scotch and talk trash about agism in Hollywood, the patriarchy and skincare routines.

And as always, shut up and have a seat, Adrien Brody.

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With apologies to Spongebob, I cannot ever remember his real name!! -J

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That's how I am with what's-his-face with Kirsten Dunst. I just call him Lance.

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I always call him Landry (his character on Friday Night Lights)

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I agree with all of this! I would also add that the tone shifts of the opening part didn't work for me. The elements seemed fine but maybe not in an ideal order. Very up and down in tone.

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My favorite Conan line (about Anora): “I guess Americans are excited to see somebody finally stand up to a powerful Russian.”

I don’t want to kneecap the technical awards, but those are what bog down the show. I would not mind if they are given out off camera. This show needs to be a tight two hours.

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I hear that, but I'm team technical awards. It's a good reminder for many people that the **magic of cinema** they love so much really does need the expertise of more than just actors, directors, and producers! There are ways the show can be tightened, but I love the technical artists getting their moment.

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I am too, especially since we seemed to have a lot of first-timers last night.

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I hate how they try to appeal to a broader audience by just trying to reduce the runtime at the cost of meaningful content. It is about movies, that themselves are about 2 or more hours long. You won't get people who just are not into this kind of thing to like the ceremony if you cut it down to a mere press conference, you will just lose the ones who _are_ into it. Do football fans ever complain how long the superbowl goes? No, because they enjoy it (while it contains way more commercials)! So please do a show for the fans and the industry! More Clips! All nominated songs! More jokes on last years' pictures! Indulge the "minor" cathegories by explaining and praising them! Let the whole make-up team get that Oscar from the stage, not just the head of it.

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I totally agree with this. I don't know why they're always trying to get non-Oscars people to watch the Oscars. It's the Oscars! We don't need to reinvent the wheel! -J

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Yeah, I would rather see the sound people have their moment than that muddled James Bond tribute.

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Why does it need to be two hours? It's once a year. I say just advertise that it is 4 hours and give everyone as long as they want to speak and especially highlight the technical/production awards more. I loved how they did it for some of the categories this year.

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Yeah, it doesn't really bother me that it's long -- also it's sort of a tradition for people to complain about the length and I think that's ALSO sort of fun. But I agree they need to just ACCEPT that it's long. (I do think we could lose random interpretive dances though.) -J

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I feel like some of those dance numbers were a wink and a nod to the older shows when Billy really did do a song and dance. It felt reverential in the wake of all the tragedy of LA like how I was trying not to cry in the opening We Love LA montage.

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I liked it a lot when they had more show elements like opening numbers etc. I very fondly remember the one Hugh Jackman did, "improvising" the opening number in his garage because of the recession, or Whoopi Goldberg dangling from the ceiling on a swing as in Moulin Rouge, or some tourists taking a tour being surprisingly led through the ceremony, or snacks being distributed because of the length of the show etc. I remember this years and decades later, so I guess that is how you do a great show.

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Agreed. I was hoping he would take a little more digs at the current administration but I get it. That was a good one.

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I hope Glenn and Demi invite Amy Adams for drinks.

How about a live chat for the season finale of "White Lotus" when it comes out?

Also, I noticed Laura Dern was seated next to Isabella Rossellini. Was Laura Isabella's plus one?

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I would love it if Dern were Isabella’s plus one!

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In Isabella's instagram post, she called Dern her " date" (her quotation marks and spacing, not mine). Anyway, great Oscars pair!

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That was sweet since they were both in "Blue Velvet". I thought they were going to have a longer tribute to David Lynch and they would be a part of that but it was just nice to see them together.

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I kind of wonder if they were supposed to and it got scratched for Gene Hackman's.

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I feel like Adrien Brody single-handedly broke Hulu last night. They heard that speech (and heard and heard and HEARD it, my god, stop talking) and just gave up.

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Mar 3Edited

Also interesting (if not surprising) that they switched to clips for the best actor awards — some intern timidly said “what if we did clips so no one has to talk about Karla Sofia Gascon,” and a room full of white dudes ignored her and then said, “hey! What if we did clips for those?”

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(I may be still SO ANNOYED by Adrien Brody’s self congratulatory assholery — in addition to tossing his chewed gum to Georgina Chapman.)

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I will never get over the gum toss. And the way she seemed it was hilarious and adorable.

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I mean, she was married to Harvey Weinstein, so Adrian was probably a step up.

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That bar is underground, to say the least.

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She seems a bit like a pill too but that was just gross.

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I love you Broads for noticing this stuff. Everyone else was asleep at that point and I was like "is he throwing GUM at her? OMFG GROW UP ARE YOU NOT CARRYING A TISSUE."

I would be carrying a tissue. I also wouldn't be chewing gum.

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Yes, don't chew gum. When they were calling the names and showed him, I was like is he openly chewing gum. Tacky. Then he won and throw to his girlfriend. Dude, just swallow it at that point. Gross.

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ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU ARE THE FRONT RUNNER. This was not a surprise win! Grow up, dude.

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OMG, for some reason when the chat was talking about him tossing his gum to Georgina Chapman last night, I thought he had tossed her a pack of gum. I even thought "that's weird, why didn't he just put it in his pocket?". Him tossing CHEWED gum makes me dislike his whole deal even more!

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I did appreciate Brody talking about antisemitism, but other than that, he was pretty insufferable.

June Squibb is such a delight and she is my best dressed of the night!

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I wish Adrien had gotten to the important topics of his speech much sooner instead of blathering endlessly about himself first!

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I definitely felt like he was trying to get to some kind of significant and profound MOMENT that would awe the crowd but it just never happened. The fakeness of it felt a little to me like Anne Hathaway's "it came true" which was just so artificial and cringey. (But I do like Anne, which is way more than I can say for Adrien)

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I didn’t get to watch because every time we tried the free trial for Hulu Live TV we got an error message, across multiple devices, and I didn’t want to sign up and pay $80 for three hours. It was the first time in about 25 years I haven’t watched. Why streaming services don’t just offer a “$10 to watch this one thing” deal I have no idea. The free trial then cancel straight after nonsense is so annoying.

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Straight pay per view for the big events would definitely be a nice option. I ended up paying $30 because I canceled Hulu Live last month and upgraded just for last night. And I’ll cancel again today.

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Genuinely enjoyed hanging out with everyone last night.

My suggestion for a possible live chat is the MLB All Star game. I know lots of us are sports fans and the Olympics chats proved that we can have fun watching a sport even if we don't know much about it. All Star game should be easily viewed by most of us and usually has lots of non-baseball stuff (celebrity sightings, commercials) to talk about.

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Ooh great idea. The home run derby is so much fun!

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#1, thank you to the Fug Girls and you Broads for making this so much fun! #2, fun vocab word: pleonasm! It denotes a redundancy, like "liquid water," basically the opposite of an oxymoron 😁

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Oh yes, I knew oxymoron wasn’t the right word but I forgot to look up the correct one. Thank you! -H

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I know you ladies love words, so I was excited to share that one!

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I always thought those fabrics looked like liquid metal...

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The Eurovision finals are ripe for a live chat!

Re: "liquid water", eh, I'll allow it since water could also be solid or gaseous.

Yes they are works of art, but I loathe the foot-long fingernail trend and wish it would go away. I can't even look at them without imagining the hygiene challenges and then I just cringe.

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I'm right there with you on the nails. This is not to denigrate the technical and artistic skill it takes to create them! But I get the icks on a gut level just thinking about nails that long, much less looking at them. Glad I'm not the only one with that reaction.

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To me, it reeks of End Stage Capitalism. It’s very The Capitol in the Hunger Games. (I will not NOT NOT say, “It’s giving…” per my comment last night. For the love of all that is holy can we PLEASE stop saying that????)

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Oh that’s right, we did one last year too! For sure Eurovision. -H

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YESSSSS to Eurovision finals! Those are a blast!

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Whenever i see those nails, I have to grab my nail brush and scrub mine because I just get the icks. I have them right now just thinking about it! I assume they use bidets but I feel like my bathroom breaks would be 10x as long with those things. (I was in a restaurant with my mom this evening and a woman in the booth next to us pulled out a hairbrush and started brushing her extremely long hair at the table like it was a totally normal thing to do so I am full of icks tonight.)

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Me, I love Conan, so I giggled a bunch and loved seeing him. I did wonder, though, about that wide-legged stance he adopted so often throughout the show. Maybe I'm the only one who noticed?

I rolled my eyes so hard when Brody won, and then pretty much couldn't stop throughout his speech. Also, throwing his gum to Georgina???? Is he fucking kidding?

I was unexpectedly delighted by Mick Jagger - I'm not a big follower of the Rolling Stones and I kind of assumed that, by now, at 81, he was slowing down, but no. I got such a kick out of him and he seemed genuinely tickled to be there.

I was so mad at the lack of clips and nominated songs, but then taking up time with the random Bond tribute? I can see why people put the Quincy Jones tribute in the same category, but I literally almost clapped - alone, in my living room - at the end of that one, so I give it a pass.

Also, every time they go to this "give a speech instead of showing a clip" format, I cringe, but I much preferred when they did 5 different people giving the speech (as in the artistic categories last night and in the actor races in years past) instead of forcing one person to gush over all 5 nominees. And then to NOT do that for best actor/actress seemed weird. Really, the whole thing was weird.

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I noticed Conan's stance too. I think it's sort of a grounding thing. Like, he's usually behind a desk/seated, or when he's doing stand up, he walks around. I think when forced to stay put, his ADHD challenges him, so it's kind of him anchoring. I've seen him do it before. Just a guess.

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Oh, that's interesting. I hadn't considered that.

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I also think he knows how tall he is and how that affects folks. So he might try to be wider in his stance to look less like the giant that he is.

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Maybe. It makes him a smidge shorter, I guess, but he's taking up more space, so I'm not sure that's it. But who knows?

Did you see him standing with the firefighters and he just towered over all of them. He really is quite tall.

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I might have been distracted in that part, but I've seen him in concert and on both the Tonight Show and his TBS show, plus some taping during SDCC a few times.

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I know a tall person who also stands like that frequently, and I think that's the case. It makes your head a bit closer to everyone else, but is probably more comfortable/less visibly awkward than crouching or hunching.

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Yes, I feel like I've seen him do that before.

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Also, was this the first time last year's female winner gave to the women and the male winner gave to the man (for the supporting and lead categories)? I made a joke to my friends that, if so, maybe it's so they could prevent Adrien Brody from sexually assaulting the presenter again.

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My family had the same thought!

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Yes! Who knew I'd be so happy to see Mick Jagger. He kind of light up the room and he was funny and delightful. I enjoyed the Quincy Jones tribute and I loved seeing the audience get up and move. It was nice. I mean, he was Quincy Jones and had a big hand in Hollywood. The James Bond tribute though. WTH was that. I had to change the channel.

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