Someone Dropped a Buzzard on New Year's Eve
Plus, Aaron Rodgers's Douche Parade somehow gets EVEN DOUCHIER.
Every family has holiday traditions and one of mine is reading aloud selections from the Wikipedia page listing “objects raised and/or dropped on New Year's Eve” each — you guessed it — New Year’s Eve. Many places in America (and a few elsewhere) drop or raise a lot of different things, and if you want to look busy at the office but do not want to actually do any real work, you could do worse than spending an hour noodling around that Wiki.1 But on the off-chance that you just need the high-level takeaways, please absorb the very best of the best.
As background, obviously, most of the following were inspired by NYC’s classic Times Square ball-drop, which Wiki adds was itself “inspired by the time balls used by ship navigators in the 19th century to calibrate their chronometers.” I actually did not know that last bit! Fun fact! Drop that at the club this year.
In St. George’s, Bermuda, they drop — of course — a Bermuda onion. Not a real onion; one made of paper-mâché and covered in Christ…