Cracks in The Rock's Facade, Plus: Who Are Your Definitive Actors in Roles?
No wrong answers, unless Christian Bale isn't in there twice.
Recently on Go Fug Yourself, I mentioned that the 1994 Little Women is my own definitive adaptation of the book. (I do think Florence Pugh made a better Grown-Up Amy than Samantha Mathis, but Kirsten Dunst is a perfect Young Amy so it all evens out.) I accept that other people disagree with this but I will not be swayed: Christian Bale is a superb Laurie; Winona Ryder is great as Jo;1 the sets and costumes are wonderful. It’s just my favorite version of the many many Little Womens that have existed2.
Sidebar: I liked Greta Gerwig’s adaptation very much! You can absolutely like something even if it’s not Definitive for you. Although the more I think about it, the weirder it is to me that every March sister in that version was played by a British or Australian actor. Little Women is such an iconic American story and you cannot tell me there isn’t an American out there who could have made a better Meg than Emma Watson3, …