Eurovision 2024 is in the books, and for the first time in years, I’m not doing a whole involved act-by-act post on GFY. I will again someday, because I’ve really enjoyed going all-in on coverage of what’s usually a wacky and wild and drunken-seeming songfest; when I was a kid, I would record Eurovision on VHS, back in the days where they had no viewer vote, and each national jury read out EVERY point allocation rather than just the 12 points, and of course we had to watch walking uphill both ways in the rain. Not affixing myself to the couch this year made me feel a tiny bit guilty, like I was ignoring a friend who flew in to visit, but… my mother DID fly in to visit, and no way in hell was I going to ignore HER instead.
A lot of shit hit the fan on Friday and Saturday that I STILL haven’t completely sorted out — rumors flying, fingers pointing, The Netherlands ejected from the competition… Mom and I did get home in time to relax with the final vote count, and of course our Drinks Wi…