This one is coming at you early this week because the Grammys are on Sunday, and so they’re taking my usual Monday morning Traitors spot. Ergo, I had an unusually productive Friday. GO ME!!!
A few days ago, I read an interview with Janelle in which she talked about how much harder The Traitors is than Big Brother because on the latter show, you have TONS of time between challenges and votes and ceremonies to lie around by yourself and think. On The Traitors, you do have overnight to plot, but all the action that might change your plans happens in the course of one day and you have to react on your feet; you can’t hide out in a coat closet and gather yourself. So perhaps it’s no coincidence that Dan Gheesling, who executed his most famous game-saving move after 24 hours of solitary confinement, essentially executed himself when required to improvise: The Faithfuls finally got Dan, after his big swing was an even bigger miss.
Then again, it should NOT have been improvising, entirely; Dan …