Taco Bell Reaches For New Heights In Its Pursuit of Living Más
Plus: A new villa, new Pringles, and The Idea of You/A Family Affair.
Oh my god, you guys. Remember when the geniuses at Taco Bell had that pop-up hotel and everyone lost their shit over it? (Including me.) Well, now they’re launching an “Early Retirement Community For The Old At Heart.” This is also me. I am old at heart! (And also technically middle-aged of body.) This is, sadly, also only a pop-up – it’s open the weekend of August 17th – and therefore unfortunately not something we can all add to our retirement planning. Per the Taco Bell press release:
“The Cantinas invites guests to indulge in a Taco Bell-fueled, sun-soaked experience filled with senior-inspired recreation and cross-generational activities. From early morning tee times to afternoon aerobics and pickleball matches, attendees will feel rejuvenated and immersed in a community oasis that celebrates the diverse art of living más.”
This sounds delightful. I want to be immersed in a community oasis of pickleball. I obviously tootled over to The Cantinas’ website – slogan: “LOVE A LEISURELY …