Josh Duhamel Comes Out As a Doomsday Prepper....
...and Heather admits to being a hyperdecanter. Well, sort of. Just the once. Last night.
In news I did not expect to read today: Scandinavian-American Hall of Fame member Josh Duhamel has become, in his words, “a bit of a Doomsday prepper” but, in my words, from reading this interview in Inverse, a LOT of a Doomsday prepper. He attributes this to having read Patriots: Surviving the Coming Collapse by James Wesley Rawles, who, best I can tell from his mildly deranged Wiki, seems like a MAGA nut, and whose books are allegedly on a DHS list “of the characteristics of potential domestic terrorists used in law enforcement training.” Cool!!!
Naturally, this led me to Google “celebrity Doomsday preppers,” and the list I was served is pretty wild and of questionable verisimilitude, including people who just once publicly said they had an earthquake kit or whatever, which is hardly the same thing as Duhamel having an outhouse for years until his wife complained. The only allegations I could really buy were:
Joe Rogan, who definitely at least says he’s a prepper, even if he isn’t i…