First: Last week, I commented that I was worried the finale of this show would feature Ghost Babe Paley forgiving Truman. I just saw that the finale — whenever it gets here? 2027? — is called “Phantasm Forgiveness” and the episode description claims that “past, present, and future collide as Truman makes a final push to finish Answered Prayers.” What do I win?! I guess I win being done recapping this show! Please understand: I love hanging out with my fellow Broads to hate-watch this, and I always enjoy the deep-dives it inspires, but hoo boy, Feud is a narrative mess: It’s repetitive, I think it’s low-key misogynistic, and, in the most grievous sin of all, it is boring. This week, Truman learns that he’s old and outdated and doesn’t understand current trends, then goes to Palm Springs where he picks up a handyman (in a retread of much of what we already saw with John O’Shea) who teaches him the same lesson he already learned in New York. He does not stop drinking. He gets a consult a…
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