Feud Flings Itself Over the Finish Line at Last
A recap in which I type the words, "Truman Capote would absolutely attend the auction of his own ashes."
Fellow Broads, thank you for sticking this out with me! This show was a tremendous, historic, rambling mess. Sometimes it was a fascinating mess - and I firmly believe that we all need to be supportive of Interesting Creative Messes! Artists need the freedom to Try Something and see if it works without a failure being the end of the world — but more often it was enraging and flabby and misogynistic, underutilizing its generally terrific actors and wasting astonishing work in the arenas of makeup, costumes, and production design. It was well-edited, the cinematography was great, and the music was good. Everything about it screamed PRESTIGE, except for the actual storytelling. And that is a shame.
I don’t even really know how to explain this week. You know how this show has been a flashback in the middle of a flashback half the time? This last time it’s a flashback that’s then no longer a flashback that is then again a flashback, and half of it is fictional imaginings of a chapter of An…