A Drinks With Broads Interview: Screenwriter Jen D'Angelo
The Quiz Lady screenwriter answers the burning question: Does Sandra Oh give good gifts?
Finally, Drinks With Broads sits down with a broad for drinks! Well, technically, this chat with screenwriter Jen D’Angelo took place over the phone, but emotionally we definitely had cocktails. You might remember D’Angelo from a previous conversation on Go Fug Yourself, where we went deep on her process of prepping for the red-carpet premiere of Hocus Pocus 2, which she wrote. This time, Jen’s on the road promoting Quiz Lady, her new film starring Sandra Oh and Awkwafina, which you can stream right now on Hulu; we tackled questions about the strike, whether or not Sandra Oh would write a good gift guide, just how awesome Hannah Waddingham is, and what it was like to promote a film without any actors.
This interview has been lightly edited for length and clarity.
DRINKS WITH BROADS: Hi! It's so good to talk to you again!
JEN D'ANGELO: Oh my gosh, yeah! I'm so excited to do an interview for Drinks with Broads. I'm a subscriber!
DWB: Oh, thank you. That's fantastic! It's so nice of you to …