It’s July of 2023, three years since lockdown and two years since vaccines, so we officially declare people can no longer blame Covid-related social blackouts for completely forgetting how to be a normal human person in a public setting. Variety reported that Harry Styles was hit in the eye by an object thrown on stage during his concert in Vienna on Saturday night. This is not the first time that Harry has gotten plunked on stage: Someone threw Skittles at him in LA last year, and shortly thereafter, someone in New York threw chicken nuggets at him. I am currently in the Liquid Diet phase of colonoscopy prep — too much information? Perhaps! But go get your colonoscopies, Gen X! — and I might be more cranky and am definitely hungrier than usual, but: People have got to get a grip! What are you tossers1 doing? You are ruining everyone else’s fun! And wasting precious chicken nuggets! Now what are you going to snack on during the concert? Think!
As Variety pointed out, this trend is not e…