Sweet Valley High Super Editions, and a Celebrity Wedding Mini-Edition
Plus, more recaps on the horizon!
At last! As far as I can tell from the festivities at all the schools around my home, it’s now officially summer vacation, when a young woman’s fancy turns away from homework and responsibilities and toward — in my personal experience — reading library books in front of a window air conditioner and eating popsicles. Don’t get me wrong: I generally liked school. I was a good student and an extrovert, and, most importantly, a child during the pre-internet era where we had to get our gossip in person, and it was easiest to fulfill my Nosy Nancy needs at school. In fact, I always liked going back to school, both because I was usually getting sort of bored at home, and because I needed to find out what happened to everyone I knew well enough to hang out with at school but not well enough to call up on the phone and chill with during vacation. I’ll never forget coming back to start fifth grade and finding out that Julie M. had lost two toes in a freak barefoot bike accident! (She was pretty…